
Karen Chaudhry, LCSW is a therapist in the Northern Virginia area. She has over 14 years of experience working with individuals, teens and families on life’s most difficult issues. Karen specializes in the areas of anxiety, abuse, neglect, trauma, social skills, children with a history of foster care, adoptees, and those struggling with Autism Spectrum Disorder, and ADHD.

In addition to providing private therapeutic services to both groups, individuals and families, Karen is available to present workshops and seminars on a variety of topics including:

Compassion Fatigue and Vicarious Trauma- What Foster and Adoptive Parents Need to Know

How to Encourage Healthy Attachments Through Play

Keeping Adoptees Connected- Even When Connections Are Hard

Karen can be reached at Instep (Insteppc.com) in Fairfax where she leads groups for parents, children, and teens. Karen also provides therapy to children, teens, adults and families. Contact Karen directly at kconsultnow@gmail.com or at 571-278-4678.

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